Friday, May 18, 2012


Did I scare you? I've been gone so long you probably thought I'd vacated for good. Ok, a little over a week isn't so very very long, it just seems that way. I had disappeared into a tenuous mental state known as "finals-itus" which includes symptoms like being constantly annoyed, going back and forth between hiding under the covers with a jar of peanut butter and freaking out in Starbucks over my illegible notes, and spending vast amounts of time with my horror books to calm my nerves. I've been reading a lot of Clive Barker lately which has been a somewhat welcomed contrast to my other childish pursuits. Anyway, I am working tomorrow as a mermaid at a fair, I have a wig and a tail and all. After that I'll finish my book synopsis and I'll bring peace to the world. xx

Same edition and everything. Love the cover art to death. 

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